
Canines 4 Hope, Dog Trainers Palm City Florida
Canines 4 Hope Dog Training

Service Dog Trainer & Dog Obedience Trainer
Service Dog Training services for the entire state of Florida


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puppy training, puppy obedience classes

Our loving and qualified puppy trainers understand puppies and are recommended by Veterinarians, Breeders and Other Trainers. We will help you get the behavior patterns you desire. A trained and well behaved puppy is a fun puppy and a joy to own.

To schedule your puppy for puppy obedience training call #1-855-885-6262 or email us.

"Hope Is Only A Phone Call Away"

Puppy Obedience Training by Canines 4 Hope includes:

Potty and House Training - we train your puppy how to alert you when it is time to let him out to do his business

Socialization Skills - we train your puppy how to socially interact with your family, friends and other dogs

Walking on Leash - we train your puppy how to walk with you on the leash, not pull or drag you

Basic Obedience - we train your puppy how to sit, lay and stay on your command

Focused Attention Span - we train your puppy how to pay attention allowing the puppy to stay focused

Recall - we train your puppy how to come to you inside and outside the house

Removal of Behavioral Problems - we train your puppy not to bite, gnaw, nip or bark excessively

Puppy Training, Basic Training

Puppy Training by Canines 4 Hope will Mold and Train your wonderful little puppy into the Pet of your Desire.

Board and Train

Canines 4 Hope also offers Board and Train sessions. Save Time & Money by allowing us to Board and Train your dog while you are on Vacation or Gone for the Holiday. We can customize a Dog Training Program to suit your needs.

Inquire about our dog boarding & training services:

Canines 4 Hope   #1-855-885-6262

Canines 4 Hope

Service Dogs
Palm City, Florida 34990


2012 - 2019 Canines4Hope.com Palm City Florida 34990