
Canines 4 Hope, Dog Trainers Palm City Florida
Canines 4 Hope Dog Training

Service Dog Trainer & Dog Obedience Trainer
Service Dog Training services for the entire state of Florida


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Alert Dogs, Medical Alert Dog Training Services

Canines 4 Hope located in Palm City, FL is a certified Service Dog Training Academy specializing in personalized dog training for Service Dogs, Assistance Dogs and Alert Dogs for over 10 years!

Alert Dogs

We provide trained Alert dogs for people with disabilities that require a dog to help with everyday tasks, early warning situations and companionship.

Alert Dogs - alert dogs are trained to recognize and respond to blood sugar fluctuations in diabetic patients, seizures and panic attacks. Alert dog training includes:

Hypo Alert Dogs - Also known as Diabetic Service Dogs, can actually sense chemical changes taking place when blood sugar goes too high or low in a person with diabetes.

Seizure Alert Dogs - a dog that is highly sensitive to human body language and uses that sensitivity to alert and protect a seizure prone child or adult prior to the seizure episode.

Epilepsy Alert Dogs - Epilepsy Alert Dogs are response dogs are trained to recognize, respond and help someone who has epilepsy or a seizure disorder by
summonsing help, pulling objects away, blocking the individual, rouse the unconscious handler, providing physical support, carrying information and even sense an impending and alert their handler.

Diabetic Service Dog, Seizure Service Dog, Epilepsy Service Dog

Alert Dog Training

Canine4Hope provides customized alert dog training programs for:

Diabetes Service Dogs

Epilepsy / Seizure Alert Dogs

Autism Alert Dogs

Psychiatric Alert Dogs

Canines4Hope offers pre-trained service dogs, Alert dogs and Assistance dogs that can be tailor trained to your specific needs in 3 to 6 months. Our goal is to help take some of the burden off care takers and help their handlers to have a richer life.

There are not-for-profit services and assistance dog training programs available, but most of these wonderful organizations have a waiting list for up to 3 years. If you or someone you love just can't wait that long, give us a call at 1-855-885-6262 or contact Canines 4 Hope by Email.

Alert Dogs

A well trained Service Dog helps individuals live a normal life and give their handlers sense of independence they deserve. The following tasks represent what an Alert Service Dog is capable of performing. Each alert dog is specifically trained to their owners personal needs based on their medical condition and may or may not include the following tasked described. A trained alert dog can:

Retrieve Medication and Other Items

Open Doors and Cabinets

Pick Up Phone

Alert Authorities

Turn On and Off Lights

Alert Owner to Seizures

Alert Owner to Changes in Blood Sugar

Assist with Walking

Alert Owner to Sounds (doorbell, phone, etc)

Provide Companionship

alert dog training, Service Dog Training

Canines 4 Hope has been training alert service dogs for over 10 years and understand that every person has individual needs. We create customized training programs for every alert dog we train.

Canines 4 Hope's goal is to provide you or your family with a trained alert dog that will take care of the needed tasks required for living a fulfilled life.

Canines 4 Hope is located in Palm City, Palm Beach County, and The Treasure Coast of Florida. Our Alert Dog Training Services are available to clients Nationwide!

"Serving the Disabled One Paw At A Time"

Canines 4 Hope

Service Dogs
Palm City, Florida 34990


2012 - 2019 Canines4Hope.com Palm City Florida 34990