Service Dog Trainer & Dog Obedience Trainer
Service Dog Training services for the entire state of Florida
Psychiatric Service Dogs are specially trained dogs that help people with psychiatric or mental health problems. A Psychiatric Service Dog can help the owner manage anxiety attacks and panic attacks helping to relieve the symptoms through contact. Psychiatric Service Dogs can alert an individual with obsessive-compulsive behaviors by "pawing" and distracting them from the unfavorable behavior.
Psychiatric Service Dog Training
Like all assistance dogs, a psychiatric service dog is individually trained to do work or perform tasks that mitigate their handler's disability. Training to mitigate a psychiatric disability may include providing environmental assessment (in such cases as paranoia or hallucinations), signaling behaviors such as interrupting repetitive or injurious behaviors), reminding the handler to take medication, retrieving objects, guiding the handler form stressful situation , or acting as a brace if the handler becomes dizzy.
The above tasks represent what a Psychiatric Service Dog is capable of performing. Each psychiatric service dog is specifically trained to their owners personal needs based on their medical condition and may or may not include the above tasked described.
Psychiatric service dogs may be any breed or size suitable for public work. Some psychiatric service dogs are trained by the the person who will become the handler - usually with the help of a professional trainer by assistance or service dog programs.
A Psychiatric Service Dogs give their owner a reason to get out of bed every morning and go to work or an activity. These wonderful dogs provide loving care 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Canines 4 Hope can train a Psychiatric Service Dog to meet a clients exacting needs.
We will be glad to answer any questions you might have about a Psychiatric Service Dog.
Call 1-855-885-6262 or Contact Canines 4 Hope.
Canines 4 Hope is located in Palm City, Palm Beach County, and The Treasure Coast of Florida but our Dog Training Services are Available to clients in Any State.
"Hope Is Only A Phone Call Away"
My husband Marc was a successful general contractor in Central Florida who was involved in numerous projects within the Disney community.
Four years ago he suffered a traumatic brain injury that left him with severe neurological damage, and he lost his ability to speak. As a result of his injury Marc also suffers from major depression as well as seizures.
Marc, was once a vibrant man, but has now lost his drive and energy to do anything. After all of the surgeries, and countless hours of rehabilitation, Marc has shown little enthusiasm towards his outlook on life and his future.
Our neurologist suggested we look into a service dog to help assist Marc with his seizures. After careful research, we found Canines 4 Hope. The service dog trainer paired Marc up with Dillon, A two year old German Shepherd Dog who is trained as a seizure response dog for Marc.
The addition of Dillon in our lives has been a true blessing. The difference in my husbands behavior, and outlook on life is remarkable. Marc is a changed man. His bouts of depression have improved, and his energy level is totally increased. Marc and Dillon are outside every morning playing ball or Frisbee. He takes Dillon for three walks a day at least.
Dillon is now beginning to recognize when Marc is about to have a seizure, which makes me feel a whole lot better when I have to leave Marc alone.
Dillon has changed our lives in so many ways that words cannot express my feelings. If you or someone you know, is in a similar situation as Marc or myself, we highly encourage you to explore the benefits of a service dog.
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